Thursday, 13 November 2014

Memebox Blackheads No More Unboxing and Review

First of all if you haven't seen the YouTube video I made when I received this box it's probably a good place to start. Or not, whatever. I'll only a cry a little bit if you refuse to watch it.

So I thought I would revisit this box in writing now that I have tried everything in it. Bit more useful than "Oh that smells like.... wait... I had something for this....."

Monday, 10 November 2014

You Made Me Do This

Welcome everybody to my new blog! 

If you don't like it you've only got yourselves to blame, you demanded it until I couldn't take it any longer and just cracked under the pressure. That being said please do remember to subscribe, follow, comment and all that shit.

I'll be mostly talking about Memeboxes but you never know I might occasionally go batshit crazy and talk about a single product or a different beauty box altogether.

So bow down bitches, the Queen of Fucking Everything just arrived!